Experience in App Development

A development company with over 20 years of experience creating and developing over 30 iOS and Android apps for ourselves and various clients, consisting mainly of games and utilities.

Variety of Platforms

The apps were developed using a variety of platforms, including Unity3D, Xcode, Appcelerator Titanium, and more.

Popular App Series

One of the most popular series of apps we developed was the Angry Monsters series of games, featuring colorful, cartoon-style graphics, simple yet challenging gameplay, and engaging storylines that kept players coming back for more.

Deep Understanding of Platforms

Developing iOS and Android apps requires a deep understanding of the platforms, programming languages and the ability to handle complex development environments. The constant evolution of mobile platforms and the need to adapt to new technologies also adds a layer of complexity to the process.


In our over 20 years of experience we created and developed over 30 iOS and Android apps for ourselves and various clients. These apps consisted mainly of games and utilities. These apps were developed using a variety of platforms, including Unity3D, Xcode, Appcelerator Titanium, and more.

The games we developed varied in genre and complexity, ranging from 2D scrollers to first-person shooters, interactive multiplayer 3D games with servers, and turn-based games that can be played “with friends.” The utilities we developed included cameras, car trackers, and other useful applications. Many of the apps created also had in-app purchases and leaderboards to keep users engaged and encourage them to come back to the app.

One of the most popular series of apps we developed was the Angry Monsters series of games. This series of games featured colorful, cartoon-style graphics, simple yet challenging gameplay, and engaging storylines that kept players coming back for more. The Angry Monsters series of games were well-received by players and were able to attract a sizable following.


Developing iOS and Android apps requires a deep understanding of the platforms, programming languages and the ability to handle complex development environments. The constant evolution of mobile platforms and the need to adapt to new technologies also adds a layer of complexity to the process.

Nonetheless, we enjoyed the process of creating and developing apps, and was able to deliver high-quality apps that met the needs of our clients and received positive feedback from users.

In conclusion, we are a development company with a wide range of experience in developing iOS and Android apps, including games and utilities. Our experience includes the use of multiple development platforms and the ability to handle in-app purchases and leaderboards. We have also developed a series of successful games like the Angry Monsters series that have been able to attract a sizable following.